Meeting Notification                   

The Management Company Selection Committee will be presenting their findings to the Community on Tuesday morning, December 6th at 9:00 AM in the Main Room. Everyone interested in hearing the results of their search should attend, including all members of the 2022 and 2023 Boards. Selection of the new Management Company will be voted on at the December Board meeting.


BOD Notice - Ballots for Voting                          October 21st 

Ballots for voting to select three new Board members should start arriving in your mail Thursday, October 20th. 'Replacement' ballots can be gotten from Wendy at the Maintenance Office, in case you don't receive your ballot in time to submit your vote by the end of the month. Please follow the instructions for signing the limited proxy, vote for no more than three (3) candidates on the tan ballot, seal the ballot only in the smaller envelope and put the sealed ballot envelope in the larger envelope with the signed proxy to ensure that your ballot is eligible for counting. Ballots, and proxy, may be mailed to the Association, deposited in the collection box at the Front Gate or to Wendy at the Maintenance Office.

The Board


BOD Notice - Management Search Committee Chairperson                    October 16th 
Annie McDevitt has agreed to chair the committee to investigate and recommend a new management company for the Association. She will be interviewing all interested volunteers and selecting the members of this committee. The time to make the selection is short so please give Annie your full support.       The Board
 BOD Notice - TJW Will Not Renew E/L Contract             October 13th
 Ed Hunter announced this morning that he will be retiring effective December 31, 2022, that TJW will not be hiring a replacement for him and that they (TJW), therefore, will not be renewing our contract for next year. We are asking for volunteers to form an ad hoc committee to research and recommend management companies to replace TJW. We need to have a new management company under contract before January 1, 2023 so would like to have the committee in place and working by the end of October. Anyone interested in joining this ad hoc committee please contact any Board member as soon as possible.   The Board
BOD Notice:  Community  Update           August 28th    

    We met with representatives from Cove Points Construction and Coastal Claims Services to get updates on the settlement with Tower Hill Prime and status of the requested bond.

     Coastal Claims needs to come to agreement with Cove Points on an estimated cost to complete the project that they can negotiate with Tower Hill and us. Cove Points has not received the as built drawings from the architect which are needed to prepare a cost estimate for our concurrence to present to Tower Hill. Drawings are expected in September. We will then review them and propose changes. Accepted changes will be incorporated into the drawings, the drawings will be approved and the cost estimate will be prepared. The final drawings and cost estimate will then be sent to Tower Hill for negotiation and the final drawings sent to the City to request a building permit. Cove Points estimates the start of construction to be in about ninety (90) days.

    Cove Points has not gotten a bond yet in concern for the cost to us and because their bonding company and insurance company both questioned the need for a bond. A surety bond typically costs Three percent (3%) of the total project cost and we pay for it. For example, on a 1 million dollar project the bond would cost $30,000. We have asked our Lawyer to send a letter to Cove Points demanding they obtain a bond, but we have also asked the President of Cove Points to make a presentation at the September Board meeting, explaining his hesitation, so we could consider not requiring the bond.

    We have received several requests for copies of Association documentation. Some of the requested documentation doesn't exist. Article XIV of the By-Laws states;

"Members are entitled to inspect and copy during regular business hours at the corporation's principal office, books, records and papers of the Association. The Edgewater Landing Documents of the Association shall be available for inspection by any member at the principal office of the Association, or such other address as the Board may from time to time designate, and copies may be purchased at a reasonable cost at such address."

 All requests must be addressed to TJW. TJW will schedule an opportunity to inspect and/or copy records at the TJW office. We also ask that requests for multiple documents be combined in a single letter


BOD Notice:  Community  Update           August 5th  

     Cove Points reported that the as built drawings, including code upgrades, will be completed in the next couple of weeks. Once we have a chance to review them they will be given to our Public Adjuster, and Tower Hill Prime, so the process of reconciling the building claim estimate can begin. We will then have an opportunity to suggest and approve 'minor' changes to the drawings before they are submitted to the City for review and issue of construction permits. Once we receive the building permits from the city we will be able to project a construction schedule and estimated completion date.

     The spa should be returned to service by this weekend.

     Bill Lee has resigned as the Facilities Committee Chair and the Board is looking for a volunteer to take on this interesting and important role. The Game Courts, Landscaping, Lakes and Natural Areas Committees all report to the Facilities Chair. Anyone interested in taking on this important role should contact any Board member. The function of this Committee from the By-Laws is:

    "This committee shall be responsible for the overall maintenance, repair and general upkeep of the Association Property, facilities and equipment, and shall plan and implement necessary capital improvements. The committee will coordinate, prioritize and lead the management company/sub-contractors in these activities. In conjunction with the Treasurer and the Finance Committee, the committee shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, an annual study of the Reserve Fund and proposed projects. The chairperson shall report monthly to the Board."

 The Board


BOD Notice:  Community  Update           July 30th    

    The chemical control system for the spa has been damaged by lightning and will not be repaired until next week. Manual chemistry control has been attempted but is too touchy to be used. The spa is out of service until the system can be repaired and the posting taken down.

   The second fountain in Lake 2 has been reinstalled. We had to move it about 200' south of where it used to be to find deep enough water to hopefully prevent early failure.

   Gene Emter, and committee, completed the review of the personal and business property claim evaluation from Tower Hill. It has been forwarded to the Insurance company adjuster along with a request to allow us to delay purchase of replacement items until the building is ready to accept them. Our public adjuster is working with the insurance company and waiting for the 'as built' drawings to be completed. These drawings will reflect the original structure with current code requirements included and will be the basis for resolving the structure claim valuation and for developing an estimate for project cost.

  The rumor that the Board has resigned is not true. The Information Channel is not back in service, but it is being tested. The Edgewater Landing Facebook page is not authorized by the Board and has been rife with inaccurate and incorrect information.

  There is notable degree of divisiveness in the Community. This is a significant concern relative to volunteerism needed to support and manage the Community. Working toward an atmosphere of cooperation and unity will help us to attract and retain volunteers for leadership positions; Board of Directors and Committee Chairpersons.


BOD Notice: Clubhouse Update       July 6th  

    Painting in the Main Room completed last week and furniture will be returned to storage or it's normal positioning this week, but the room is NOT open for use yet.

    We need to confirm conditions and limitations for use this week and have scheduled a Special Board Meeting for next Thursday (July 14, 2022) which will include agreeing on the allowable limited use of the room.

    It looks like nothing is happening toward restoration and that will be the appearance for the next several weeks. A Structural Engineer is being scheduled to look at the building and will then work with the Architect to finalize 'rebuild as was' drawings/blueprints to submit to the Insurance Company and to the City for a building permit. Ordering for long lead items can be done then. Long lead items include trusses, windows and ducting.

    We still need to complete our request for amendment of the listing and valuation of the building contents, and to apply for the recoverable depreciation. Our Public Adjuster is working with Cove Points and the Tower Hill Adjuster on the claim evaluation for the structure itself.

    We are making progress, slowly, but still expect restoration will be complete within a year.   

The Board


BOD Notice: Clubhouse Update       June 22nd  

    Painters started prepping the Main Room for painting yesterday and should begin actually painting this afternoon. Their work hours will be from about 3:00 PM through the night until about 3:00 in the morning, or so. Painting should be completed by the end of the day next Wednesday. We don't know how long will be needed for the paint to dry completely so we can consider allowing activities in there. 

    Demolition is complete, including removal of the fire damaged oak on the east side of the building. We are now in a holding mode for Structural Engineer evaluation then finalizing the 'as built' & 'to be rebuilt' drawings. The length of this hold period is expected to be at least two months. Reconstruction cannot start until the drawings are approved by the City.

     On another topic, the fountain that has been out of Lake 2 for several weeks cannot be repaired. The Board is evaluating buying replacement and relocating it slightly, to a deeper spot in hopes that it will last longer.

 The Board 


BOD Notice: Clubhouse Update       June 12th  
Painting of the Main Room, including the storeroom, will start this week. All the furniture and storeroom contents will be positioned to allow access for the painters to the ceiling areas and the divider panels. Please stay out until painting is complete and the paint has dried.
The Board

BOD Notice: Clubhouse Update       June 9th  

Demolition of the Clubhouse has begun. A hole has been cut in the Library wall for equipment access to remove the debris. Demolition is expected to take several more days. This is a Construction Area, hazardous and not open to anyone other than the workers Paul Wright and Bill Lee, when necessary. DANGER CONSTRUCTION AREA - DO NOT ENTER SIGNS have been posted. Several individuals have been through the area today, even after being informed that it's not safe or allowed. It is a dangerous are, especially when work is in progress so please, Please, PLEASE stay out.               The Board


BOD Notice:  Clubhouse Update           May 22nd 

Tree trimming and removal of dead trees around the Clubhouse and trimming of palm trees on Association property throughout the community will begin, weather permitting, on next Monday, May 23rd, and should complete within a day or so. Please be alert for workers and equipment and stay safe.

The demolition permit from the City has been applied for but is expected to take up to two weeks for approval. Cove Points Construction has given us a start date for demolition of Monday, June 6th. Demolition is expected to take about a week and they will then turn their attention to panting the Main Room. Paint color(s) will be decided at the June 9th Board meeting. The June Board meeting will still be held at the United Methodist Church.

The City has given us permission for limited use of the Main Room of the Clubhouse. The limitations, and requirements for such use will be discussed at the Board meeting, but we will not be able to use it for entertainments or parties probably until construction is complete.

Reminder to all; All comments and questions regarding the Clubhouse restoration project should go through the Restoration or Interior Design Committees not the construction workers.

The Board


BOD Notice:  CLUBHOUSE UPDATE           May 18th

    You may have noticed personnel from Cove Points wandering around the Clubhouse over the last couple of days. That is because they are preparing to start work soon. Cove Points has applied for a demolition permit and we're waiting for a response from the City. The start date will depend on when they get the permit but should be either within the next week or maybe not until the second week in June because they have several other large commercial jobs due to start. Cove Points has assured us that whenever they can start, they will work to complete the restoration as soon as possible.

     Please note that when they start work the area around the clubhouse will be 'fenced off' and DANGER posted, and there will be no access without approval from Bill Lee or Paul Wright. This is to ensure your safety and the safety of the construction workers. Also please note that all communication with Cove Points will be through the Restoration Committee, Bill Lee, or the Board, Paul Wright.

     I talked to the City Building Official, Mike Garrett, last Friday about reopening the Main Room. He needed concurrence from the Fire Chief, Jeff Lariscy, but thought it was likely we could reopen. Chief Lariscy sent an email stating that he had no issues with reopening so now we are just waiting for written authority from the City. There will be limitations. We will need to get portable rest facilities and will only be able to use the room for meetings, which could include Bingo, cards, dominos, etc. We will not be able to use the room for entertainments or dinners, probably until the restoration is complete. We just got an email this morning (5/18/22) saying that we are allowed to use the Main Room for limited purposes. But remember -  Until further notice, the Clubhouse is still not open for occupancy.

Just as a reminder, please do not talk to, question or give direction to contractor personnel. All inquiries should go to the appropriate committee (below) or the Board, if needed.

The Restoration Committee is chaired by Bill Lee and is responsible for rebuilding the structure and all interaction with the Board, the contractor and residents.

The Interior Design Committee is chaired by Dana Maciewicz and is responsible for colors, flooring, cabinets, furniture, etc.

        The Board 


Clubhouse Update   -  April  17th  

The City Fire Inspector, at the direction of the Fire Marshall, posted a 'Danger - Do Not Enter or Occupy' sign on the north clubhouse door. This posting was supposed to have been on the building since the fire. According to Fire Chief/Marshall Jeff Lariscy this posting only allows access to the building for cleanup, damage evaluation and reconstruction planning. We have scheduled additional cleaning and deodorizing of the stackable chairs on Wednesday, April 20th. It is possible that occupancy could be allowed for limited numbers of people and we are working to identify the requirements for that possibility.

In the meantime, no Association activities will be allowed in the Main Room and the May Board meeting will be held at the United Methodist Church.

The Edgewater Landing Community Connection facebook page, nor any similar,  is NOT authorized by nor does it officially represent the Association. It sometimes includes or presents inaccurate and incomplete information that has not been verified or authorized by the Board  Please refer to our website or the periodic emails.


 Clubhouse Restoration Update 

It may seem that restoration work has come to a standstill, well it has. We've had some questions and concerns about the proposed contract with the contractor, and there have been delays in getting a response from our Lawyer. We just received our Lawyers' comments and will be resolving them with the contractor shortly so work can begin.

 We have started allowing limited use of the Main Room and the tables and chairs from the storeroom and ask that anyone wanting to use the room or the 'furniture' let a Board member know of your desire. In general, use of the room will be limited to a couple of tables and some chairs set up then promptly removed.

We will not be able to get the room painted before the April Board meeting, but will still hold the meeting there. Chairs only (no tables) will be set up for the audience and will be left set up for the Women's Club meeting that afternoon. All furniture will be put away at the end of the day.

 There is still a slight 'smoky' smell in the room and the carpet still looks like it needs cleaning. We have scheduled Precision Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning to clean the carpet on Thursday, March 24th, and hope that painting the room and disposing of the couches will eliminate the remainder of the smell.


Board of Directors Clubhouse Update             2/17/22   -      Activities during the last two weeks    

  • The Joe Taylor crew continued cleaning contents (including 4 tables and 20 chairs from the Library), the Bingo board and the wall and floor surfaces. They had a sub-contractor come to remove and clean the window treatments, but they had to come back to clean them in place. We are requesting that the main room walls be sealed and painted to eliminate the odor. Color will be decided later.
  • The ‘Reconstruction Committee’ has completed interviews with general contractors, and I am talking with our lead adjuster to identify any objections and the process for hiring. Selection should be announced shortly. The first expected reconstruction activity will be removal of the debris from the fire. This will include walls, cabinets, ceilings and floors from the kitchen through the game room.
  • We (the Board) have decided to dispose of the couches from the main room because they still, and will probably always, smell smoky. Replacement will be considered later.
  • We are expecting a check to pay for estimated contents cleaning and replacement. We have questions on the process and timeframe constraint (180 days) since we don’t have space to put stuff. (We may buy pool tables and ‘store’ them in a usable arrangement in the main room until they can be moved to the rebuilt game room.)
  • Attendance at the Board meetings, since the fire, has been impressive. Attendees have been attentive, focused and respectful. (More than double the typical Board meeting attendance.) When we can return to meetings in the main room we will be setting up rows of chairs, without tables, in expectation of and to allow for continued large attendance. 

We remind you again that the clubhouse is not open for access until the cleaning and debris removal is completed. If you need access for a practical reason, contact a Board member or Bill Lee for escort. 


Clubhouse Update from the Board of Directors

Following are actions and activities toward restoring the Clubhouse that happened over the last week or so.

  •  We started clearing a path from the front entrance to the library to make traveling through the hallway to access the Library / Ceramics Room less hazardous.
  • We bought thirty-one (31) corrugated boxes for storing material from the clubhouse.
  • Library club representative looked at the condition of the books and puzzles in the library and decided that cleaning books and games might not be cost effective. I asked Carlos (Joe Taylor) whether it was feasible to clean and reuse. If it isn’t cost effective, we will dispose of the books, puzzles and games and depend on new contributions to ‘restock’ the library.
  • The path from the front entrance to the library was further cleared for safety and to allow access for carts and dollies to be used to move material out of the library.
  • The Ceramics Club sorted through all the paints, books and projects. All they thought could be usable were removed from the clubhouse for further evaluation.
  • The Kitchen Committee and EGGS went through the kitchen and adjacent storage rooms. Usable items were removed to the Entertainment shed to be stored until the kitchen is returned to use. Refrigerator contents and damaged or unrecoverable material was thrown away.
  • Chorus representatives removed sheet music from the closet in the library, and three (3) file cabinets, and will be stored at a member’s house until the clubhouse is returned to use.
  • Electricity and A/C are restored in the wood shop and fitness room. A combination lock will be installed on the poolside door to the fitness room and then access can be restored. Electricity to the Main Room is also restored, but HVAC will not be turned on until the ductwork is cleaned.
  • The Joe Taylor crew continues cleaning the Main Room and its contents. The HVAC team started on cleaning the air handlers and ducting.
  • Bill Lee and team interviewed the first potential General Contractor for the restoration project. Prepared questions were answered and ‘other situations and opportunities’ during the restoration process were discussed.

Though we are making progress, there are still limitations.

  1. Access to the Woodshop and Fitness Room will NOT be available until the combination lock is installed on the poolside door. The lock should be installed within the next week. Access to the Woodshop will be through the Fitness Room to open the sliding glass door from the Woodshop. Material and tools can then be moved through that sliding door for working. The Woodshop must be cleaned and the sliding glass door shut and locked before exiting through the Fitness Room when finished working.
  2. Cleaning in the Main Room is still ongoing so it will not be returned for use for at least another two (2) weeks. Activities that will be allowed to return to the room, and when, will be decided by the Board at the next meeting.
  3. Access requests to remove additional material must be authorized and accompanied by Facilities. Please adhere to all access restrictions for your safety. Access restrictions to the area around the fire damage may change and will be strengthened when a General Contractor is selected and they begin the recovery process.                                     


Here are the actions that have been taken since the December 29, 2021 update that was included with your quarterly bill.
  • The Commercial Claims Adjuster for our insurance company (Tower Hill Prime, THP) called to let us know that he had scheduled visits by a Field Adjuster and other investigators. A Fire Investigator, Contents Investigator and building consultant representing THP have been here and started their investigations. A Fire Investigator and an Adjuster representing the roofing company have also been here to start their investigations.
  • Renton Electric Co. looked over our system and developed a plan to restore electric service to the pool, pool pump room and poolside restrooms. The plan was reviewed by the Edgewater Chief Building Officer and an inspection was made by Code Enforcement. The City required the a permit be issued to perform the restoring power. The permit has been issued and the electrician is working on it. Power should be restored by this weekend (1/8-9/22) so the pool pumps can be turned on. The pool can then be cleaned and opened. Since the pool water temperature is less than 70 degrees, it will be awhile before it is returned to normal.
  • The Contents Investigator representing THP was here on Monday the 3rd. I contacted our Commercial Claims Adjuster and got permission to allow removal of personal property from the storeroom attached to the Main Room and will schedule a date and time for that to happen.
  • The Structural Engineer representing THP will be here on January 24th. Until he completes his evaluation the building cannot be presumed to be safe to enter for other purposes. It is very important that we don't interfere with anything else in the clubhouse as it could jeopardize our support from THP including the contents evaluation. Please, please, PLEASE respect the taped and posted boundaries and DO NOT enter the building or any posted area.
  • We are very early in the process of evaluating the damage and determining recovery, replacement and rebuilding costs. We should not and will not be considering hiring a private adjuster, architect, general contractor or even assigning committees to oversee any aspect of the recovery until we know more, which could be weeks or months away.
  • the document change sessions scheduled for 1/11 and 1/18 have been canceled and will be rescheduled in February.
The Board