The agenda for upcoming Board of Directors Meeting will be posted on the BOD Agenda screen at least 2 days prior to the meeting.
The BOD Agenda screen appears under the MANAGEMENT drop down menu and can also be accessed from the link below:
>>> Click Here for BOD Agenda screen <<<
The LOGIN menu item is used to access information available only to Residents. This includes minutes of Board Meetings, Budget Planning documents and Pelican Pouch's newsletters. After entering User Name and Password on the LOGIN screen, be sure to check the "Remember Me" box to avoid having to login all the time.
Resident sign on can be requested via email to
Please include Lot Number, Name and Contact Info when requesting a sign on id. Residents signing on for the first time will be required to enter a new password.
Website News for Non-Residents
The Edgewater Landing website was developed to introduce our community to anyone considering relocating to the area. The “About Us” and “Activities” menus will give you a brief introduction to Edgewater Landing activities.
The "Homes For Sale" listing can be accessed from the weblink below. The bottom of the "Homes For Sale" includes an attachment that lists recent sales within the Landing and closing price as reported to the Volusia County Property Appraiser.
Homes for Sale weblink: >>> Homes for Sale <<<
Potential buyers are encouraged to review the "Covenants" and "Bylaws" under the MANAGEMENT drop-down menu to become familiar with the governing structure of the Edgewater Landing Home Owner’s Association. The E/L Board of Directors has responsibility for adopting an annual budget and setting resident fees. In addition, the E/L HOA includes a committee that must approve changes to the exterior of resident homes.
We look forward to seeing you “in the Landing”.